Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Memo from CEO to Manager:

Today at 11 o'clock there will be a total eclipse of the sun. This is when the sun disappears behind the moon for two minutes. As this is something that cannot be seen every day, time will be allowed for employees to view the eclipse in the parking lot. Staff should meet in the lot at ten to eleven, when I will deliver a short speech introducing the eclipse, and giving some background information. Safety goggles will be made available at a small cost.

Memo from Manager to Department Head:

Today at ten to eleven, all staff should meet in the car park. This will be followed by total eclipse of the sun, which will appear for two minutes. For a moderate cost, this will be made safe with goggles. The CEO will deliver a short speech beforehand to give us all some information. This is not something that can be seen every day.

Memo from Department Head to Floor Manager:

The CEO will today deliver a short speech to make the sun disappear for two minutes in the form of an eclipse. This is something that cannot be seen every day, so staff will meet in the car park at ten or eleven. This will be safe, if you pay a moderate cost.

Memo from Floor Manager to Supervisor:

Ten or eleven staff are to go to the car park, where the CEO will eclipse the sun for two minutes. This doesn't happen every day. It will be safe, and as usual it will cost you.

Memo from Supervisor to staff:

Some staff will go to the car park today to see the CEO disappear. It is a pity this doesn't happen every day.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

rainy days

On rainy days, I can't help but think of my mom alone in her room. I wonder how empty and lonely it is, spending nights without my dad's embrace. I wonder how painful it really is, being left by someone you used to share the bed every single night and perhaps, whisper each other, "I Love You". I wonder what she does to lessen the pain of the truth that dad left physically and could never be beside her. I wonder what memories come to her as she lays herself to sleep while the rain's dropping. I think, I know. She's feeling COLD and EMPTY.

It must be sad being left by someone you wanted to be with forever. It must be sadder on rainy days. I hope she stops crying, at least, soon after the rain stops.

I love you Ma. I may not know how it really feels or how painful it really is but I guess, I know a bit. Hug the pillows and wrap yourself with your blanket and it might feel like it's Papa hugging you.

random five

5 Things You Like About Yourself:
1. I respect people as they are.
2. I don't get pushed by peer pressure.
3. I am good at saving.
4. I can live without a lot of things.
5. I am not afraid of the dark.

5 Things You Don't Like About Yourself:
1. My cellulites.
2. My programming skills. yet so bad!
3. I can't sleep well when I'm not home.
4. My inner self transparency.
5. My tears...they're always ready to drop.

5 Things You Wish For:
1. car
2. a thoughtful and responsible hubby
3. business
4. financial stability
5. a work abroad with good pay

5 Things You Don't Wish For:
1. being left by someone i love
2. calamities
3. financial crisis
4. long hours at work - OT
5. an enemy

5 Things You Would Change: (This can be any area)
1. can't think of anything yet

5 Things You Have Learned To Appreciate:
1. my caring mom
2. my helpful officemates
3. my thoughtful friends
4. my life
5. family and home

5 Things You Are Interested In:
1. driving
2. working abroad
3. badminton
4. cars
5. business

5 Talents You Have:
1. writing
2. listening
3. singing
4. cracking jokes
5. laughing out loud

5 Favorite Things:
1. music
2. cars
3. home decors
4. perfumes
5. my mom

5 Secret Desires:
1. to have a better shape (tummy and butt)
2. to grow taller, i don't get qualified being an FA because i'm short
3. to win the mega Lotto
4. to become a better programmer
5. to drive my own brand new car

5 Self Truths:
1. i am afraid of building a family of my own
2. i hate vices of every form
3. i don't drink alcohol, liquor or wine not even softdrinks
4. i feel i am very good at money matters
5. i love scents and perfumes

5 Lies You've Told:
1. It's okay.
2. I understand.
3. It's funny.
4. I'm tough.
5. It doesn't matter.

& 5 Silly Things About You:
1. I almost don't get out of the house when people say I'm fat.
2. When I'm sleepy in the morning, I take a bath to get awakened by the scents of my soap, shampoo and conditioner.
3. I keep checking my mails every minute.
4. I only get a good night sleep if I'm using my own blanket.
5. I don't like my blanket washed every week, I hate the smell of the laundry soap.

Monday, August 14, 2006

what i'd rather do than anything else

I think I have made it clear that I do not really love what I am doing right now. I do this for the sake of earning a living, not because I love this.

Having said that statement, I think I have to answer what is it that I really love to do and where is it that I really wanted to be if I am not right here.

There are three things I can think of right now - showbiz (haha!), journalism and trading/services biz (enumerated in particular order.) Funny, I know.

I am not good at singing or dancing or acting, but I guess I can learn those crafts if I give enough time learning them. I think I just love meeting people, waving my hands, smiling at them. Haha! (as if these are the only things a showbiz personality does). Although I never dress up nor wear makeups nor do my hair, I really do think I would love someone doing that to me. I love performing although I know I am never yet good at anything I made mention. I love seeing the crowd, being adored by them. Guess I can only dream of doing this! Sure I could tell that I confused my feelings with the truth... =)

Journalism. No! not the news editor or sports editor. Perhaps a feature editor or just an author of short stories. I am not good at writing either. I just know I love to write.

Or... I can do my own business such as being a studio photographer (ID pix, barkada pose, and the like) and doing the printing myself. I like playing with photos and enhancing them. I started out doing this kind of biz just last year and I am enjoying it although I do not spend so much time on it as I am busy with "doing something I do not really love." Or... I can own a store where daily needs are sold. I am definitely a business-minded person since birth.

None of these three is anything I can do well. The things that I love to do are not necessarily the things I can do well. In fact, I couldn't think of anything I am really good at.

And why am I still here when my mind and heart are somewhere else?

Patience is a virtue! Haha...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

the art of lending

I belong to a society where borrowing and lending money is normal. When I got my job, I became one of those who lend money. Sure, it's a nice feeling to be of help. We were once borrowers too.

Before lending money, I ask, without fail, when will the money be returned. Without a definite answer to this question, I do not proceed to lending the money (unless for emergency purposes).

Two months ago, there's this neighbor of ours who talked ill about the way that I do before I do lend money. She said I am so strict that I do not release any amount without making sure the money is going back to me. The gossip spreads and continues spreading and since there are more borrowers than lenders in our place, more people understand her rather than me.

Of course, I know how to give. But the borderline between giving and lending has to be clear. When I give money or food and the like, I do not expect anything in return. But when I give kindness and help, I expect kindness in return. When people come to borrow money, I expect them to know the art of giving it back.

Then, just yesterday this woman went back to our humble abode, just before I left for work, telling me and mom that she needed an amount so badly that very day for her child's school. You could imagine me, just passing by her, being very oblivious. She said lots of things, like giving me an interest and so on and so forth. Her daughter's final exam was on that same day. She couldn't take any exam without the amount. My mom asked her, "what have you been doing all this time that it's getting late?" She said things I could not understand (i.e. refused to understand). I was still. Never moved. I wanted to shout out loud, throw back the things she said against me criticizing my ways and how strict I am with money.

I shivered in anger but didn't say a word to question what she did and said in the neighborhood. My mom was the one communicating with her. I did my thing- combed my hair, clipped it, dressed up, watched myself in front of the mirror, combed my hair again and left saying I had no extra money.

I could always lend money to those who respect my ways not to those who come when in need and talk ill against me when they're done with me.

Guess, she wasn't yet done with me!

I reflected on what I did. I knew it wasn't nice of me doing it. I knew I was being mean. Then my bro-in-law uttered, "Sometimes, you have to lend them lessons too (not just money)!"