I wanted to meet a friend's girlfriend. Then another friend asked in eagerness, "is she pretty?".
"She has great personality" came the reply.
Then we met that girl. She was warm and cool. I thought about how old she could be. Then we spent time together. For hours, we get along together. We chat and eat. We became friends.
Then, I remember the question that was asked, "Is she pretty?". Oh, I guess she is. Being beautiful doesn't come from the outside, it comes from the inside. And when you are beautiful inside, you are beautiful inside and out.
Great. Great. She is pretty. Every woman is truly pretty only when she is pretty in the inside. A woman is pretty only when she is easy to deal with, when she acts and speaks wisely and when she is true to herself and to those surrounding her. Being beautiful externally is just a plus to being internally beautiful. The same is true with men.
Reason, maybe, why some externally beautiful women settle for externally not so beautiful men (and vice versa). Perhaps those men are far more beautiful than those women they are with. Who knows?