Friday, July 08, 2005

Cousin Mae

This is my very cute cousin Francis Mae. We fondly call her em-em. She's so cute, funny, witty and talented. She was eating stik-O when I thought of letting her pose for this wonderful pic. She did it well as you may have seen. Oh! I love looking at her whatever she does. She is very talkative and warm. She loves hugging and being hugged, kissing and being kissed. She is an angel who makes us forget all our worries and problems. She can sing, act and dance. At the age of 1, she opens a book and pretends to be reading it. She also tried playing my PC then- typing on the keyboard and watching the monitor's display. She loves watching a video of herself and pictures too. After taking her pic, she asks you to show it to her before you could take another.

I remember watching "Winnie The Pooh" with her, when she's 1 year old. She cried when Pooh fell from the tree. Her favorite movie is Garfield. Well, I say so, because, she watches the movie immediately every after she wakes up in the morning. My dad has become tired watching the movie with her.

Her favorite hip-hop music is "Don't You Just Know". She loves singing "HAHAHA... HEYEYO! COOBAH COOBAH COOBAH... HAHAHA". And she refuses to dance if she doesn't like the music being played.

Her greatest fear? The sound of a running motorcycle or a hand drill in motion.

Her favorite food? stik-o? not really. She just loves eating spaghetti and french fries. Well, actually, she loves eating whatever we give her that's why she looks obviously healthy.

My dad, mom and sisters... we all just love her. And it's a sigh when the day turns to night, because we had to say good night and let her go to the place where she belongs- her own "home sweet home".

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