Thursday, July 07, 2005

Wall Climbing

I have always been so curious about how it feels climbing a vertically straight wall with a few grips. Till one day my curiosity got satisfied. Wall Climbing-one of the toughest job I ever did. This was the first and only time (so far) I did it. Not that it is tough but because I never had the chance to do it again. But if time allows, I will do it again. It's challenging and requires a lot of energy for you to be able to carry your self (i.e. the totality of your weight). I was the first one to climb the wall from among my 4 friends (officemates). Perhaps because I was braver and more curious than they are. I'd like to note the date- it's May 11, 2005 around 6:30pm, after work at Metrosports, Lahug.

Before starting to climb, we were provided with a 10-minute orientation of the basics of wall climbing- do's and don't's, safety precautions, and the like. We had a warm-up exercise and then testing of how to tie ourselves safely and also we were taught what to say to signal the belayer that we're climbing or to signal the climber that you're belaying. You got to say "CLIMBING..." when you wish to start climbing, "CLIMB ON!" is the reply of the belayer. This must be done to ensure that the belayer is ready and is looking up at you while you climb. When you reach the top and you want to go down, you say "BELAY" and the belayer will say "BELAYING" and he releases the rope to slowly release you. When the belayer says "BELAYING" you have to sit on your harness so that it would be easier for you to go down. Remember to protect yourself while being belayed by pushing your legs against the wall but not tightly, just a push and bounce so that you won't get injured or anything to that effect.

Oh! It seems that I'm giving a basic Wall Climbing lecture here. Don't you think so? Just being a little informative from what a beginner has learned.

For those who want to lose weight, Wall Climbing is surely an effective exercise. Climbing did make me sweat a lot immediately right after I start moving my legs. You should try it too.

It's fun, challenging and fulfilling to reach the top! It's like facing a life's struggle(problems, quizzes, difficulties...) and surpassing them all after bravely facing them. You will appreciate yourself for climbing on, though you may have rested, but you never QUIT.

The climb gets tougher when the peak gets nearer. Conquer your fear! Reach the top!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello there,
Just read your blog about Wall Climbing.. Where exactly in Lahug is this Metro Sports? How much is the fee for walk-in clients and the membership fee or registration fee?