Thursday, August 25, 2005

Death and Dreams

It's been a while since I last posted an entry here. It's not that I am busy.. just that I feel I've got nothing nice to write. But I miss blogging. So here I am. This one's not gonna be nice but go and read anyway.


I have read about death and that people came to think of it once they are aged already. Nah! I have thought about it. You think I am of age already? I don't wanna think so. But yes, I have thought about it. Last Monday dawn, I was thinking of the possibility that I leave this world. I never recalled if I was saddened but I realized I should be doing things like it's my last- laugh, talk, eat, share... just enjoy moments and be good while enjoying. I wonder how people would recall the way I am- plus? or minus? I wannna be remembered nicely. I think all of us want it that way. The plain question is "HOW?". Well, I really don't know. We need to please people to be remembered nicely. I believe I just have to please my parents and all those around me. I could not please everyone though. But, at least, I tried to please them while pleasing myself too, that is, while doing what I want.


Then came to me... This world would be a better place if we strive hard not to be the cause of someone else's headache especially those who love us. This world is a mess because, first and foremost, kids become their parent's problem and husbands or wives become their partner's problem. If we strive not to be the cause of someone else's misery, then there would be a better family atmosphere... better environment... and then, a better world. But first, let us not be the cause of our very own problem. The things we do or do not do contribute so much to the things that messed up our lives. How we live our lives should be patterned to the way we wanted life to be. No one's gonna have a good life if he doesn't live a good one himself. No one's gonna be successful, if he doesn't strive to be one himself. What became of us is the result of what we do especially those we keep doing. Yes, success is a lot easier for a few, and a lot harder for some, yet, however hard or easy it is, if we don't paddle our way towards being successful, success won't be at hand. And life might remain a mess. Then we realize that it isn't the kind of life we wanted. But that is the kind of life we've been living.


Go towards north, if you wanna reach north. Go the other way, and you'll never reach north but south. That is, the same with dreams, you have to walk each day towards your planned destination and never make a step back. If you will, you are getting even farther. But first, ask yourself, which direction you really wanna go. If you still don't know, pause and reflect. Don't go where everyone else is going. Because, by the time you realize you are on the wrong road, it will be too late for you to go back. You will be too old then and destination will become even farther... perhaps, out of reach.


So, before you go on a journey, create a business plan. Should unexpected bills come up, countercheck your business plan, surely, there is a strategy for you to follow written in there to reach you business objective.


Life is like that. A good life is something that must be planned, designed and must be implemented.


If you're not ready to make your dreams a reality, go on sleeping.

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