Friday, December 23, 2005

Blue Christmas

It's December 23- very Christmas in the Philippines.  I'm afraid there won't be any Christmas at home.  My dad is in the hospital.  He's been there since the 21st.  Oh and I thought cancer is shift-deleted from his system.  How come I was so wrong?  It's striking again... and my dad's tummy is just bulging and it's real hard, as hard as a stone and he's getting real thinner. 

Mama has been crying.  I really can't help but feel sorry for whatever's gonna happen to our supposedly Merry Christmas.  Oh!  I wish it could still be merry and bright.  I hope this storm will pass us all again (like it did before) and we'll all be standing still.  And I mean, all of us.  And when I say, all of us, I mean, no one's missing. 

I couldn't imagine Christmas anymore the way I always have looked forward to that day.  And I can't believe it's getting nearer.  In less than two days it will be Christmas.  Would you care to lift my spirit up so I'd still hope the best is yet to come? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and your family. I hope that your dad will make a full recovery