Sunday, January 22, 2006

do i care?

Look at me. Give me a stare. I am okay. I am sane; looking really well. No second thoughts. I smile still, even laugh out loud.

Stop looking with your eyes. You look with your heart. You look deeper and deeper till you reach the very core of my being. There, you will see what is it that I really feel. There, you will see what composes my fascade. It's ironic though. Because you can not add up everything you will see there to sum up a fascade like your eyes may have seen.

I am not what your naked eyes have seen. I am the other way around, an empty soul.

I am not as joyful as you may see. I am suffering. I am not totally sane. I am slowly losing it. Yes, my sanity is approaching zero. I am not whole. I am broken.

I may appear so composed. In reality, torn and weak. I am not whole. No, not anymore. For I am so wounded and I gracefully embrace that wound. I took care of it reason why it never leaves. My fault!

I wish I could pick each broken piece up and form my self whole again in time.

But for now, I am certain, the road is not clear.... almost zero visibility. But I keep going, even overspeeding, not thinking really if I am on the right lane... nor considering the fact that I might hit co-travellers and hurt them or hurt myself. I just want to pass through this as fast as I could.

Indeed life can be very tiring. It can consume the totality of your being like it does to mine. But, do I care? I DON'T.

How coward am I! But, do I care? I said, I DON'T! Funny, but I don't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate these spammers commenting on your blog rose!
anyway, you are becoming an emotional writer! I hope you feel better soon! soon!