Thursday, January 26, 2006

the thought of losing

I saw my dad lying on the ground. His eyes were open; its color, a combination of red and yellow. There were ants on his body, they were trekking back and forth.
I thought he was thirsty so I asked him, "would you like a glass of water?".
To which he replied, "I believe so. You think my doctor allows me to?"
I said, "Of course, your water intake is not limited anymore, unlike before when we had to measure it and limit it to only 800 mL a day." This was when he found it hard to urinate and move bowels.
So I handed him a glass filled with water and he drank it and then slept. I left.
After a while, I went to check him and found that he wasn't there anymore. There were marks of his body on the ground but he wasn't anymore there. I checked and checked and asked mama where he was.
"He died. Our neighbor buried him..."
I was shocked and so dismayed.
"You buried him without even letting us see him?"
"How come?"
"Why didn't you wait for us?"
I threw a lot of questions and cried like a child. I can't describe really how I felt.
Then I realized I was dreaming. I got up and mused the place where dad is sleeping. He's there...not moving... I slowly went closer to him.
"Why are you awake this early?" dad asked. I was frightened that he's awake. He said his stomach was aching and he took his pain reliever hours ago but could not sleep anymore.
"When are we visiting the doctor?", dad questioning again.
"This Saturday", I said.
"You think they will want me to undergo a CT-Scan? I want to see how my liver is doing."
"I don't know. We'll see."
"I sure hope, the cancer cells are gone. I hope..."
"Let's just pray, pa." was my reply.
And he nodded. My hands were on his head and I said, "Go to sleep again. It's 5:00 a.m yet."
And he did close his eyes as I went back to my bed and hugged my blanket.
I was crying. I don't know why but I seem to miss him. Strange...because he's here with us and yet I miss him.
Why can't I stand the thought of losing him?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HUGS to you. my heart goes out to you. How terribly sad