Monday, September 19, 2005

Fun Over The Weekend

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Did two exciting stuffs over the weekend- badminton and voice lesson. 

Badminton.  Our company held its first badminton tournament last Saturday, Sept. 17, 2005.  Four teams were organized to play mixed doubles (i.e. male & female in a team).  Teams were named as yellow, blue, white and red.  I played with Paul for the red team substituting an officemate who happened to have sinusitis the day before the tournament.  No fancy news really... just that we won over 3 more teams in a double elimination round.

Voice Lesson.  Sunday, I went to SM Mall to attend to my first voice lesson under Yamaha.  My coach's great.  We had breathing exercises, vocalizations, and of course, introductory singing.  It's fun and exciting.  I hope I would be a better singer after 12 sessions. 

Weekend's over.  Still, I wasn't able to study kanji when I knew I really have to.  Again, because my heart's not in it.


Anonymous said...

rose, if your heart's not in it,please don't try to fake what you don't feel..hehehe westlife song...

i know the reason for the less-inspiring kanji study: you are not in Japan and you could do well without these head aching characters in the Philippines.

The best stimulation for any language study is to be in a place where it's do or die. 9 years ago, I had to study -- and study these kanjis hard or else I will literally 'die'.

Just a piece of my thought!

Videos by Professor Howdy said...

Sure hope you won in badminton...

You have a riveting web log
and undoubtedly must have
atypical & quiescent potential
for your intended readership.
May I suggest that you do
everything in your power to
honor your Designer/Architect
as well as your audience.

Please remember to never
restrict anyone's opportunities
for ascertaining uninterrupted
existence for their quintessence.

Best wishes for continued ascendancy,
Dr. Howdy

'Thought & Humor'