Monday, September 12, 2005

Kanji vs. Love

Alas, Friday is a non-working day, making my weekend longer than usual. Hoorah! time to stay longer in bed and hug my pillows and blanket. Really love spending longer holidays. Well, I guess, everyone wants holidays except, maybe, those who wanted to stay away from home for reasons that may involve family matters (or maybe high financial needs). I guess only those who wanted to escape from problems or people at home wanted to stay longer hours at work... although some others reasoned out that they love work than family (or home for that matter). Is that so? Well, it's not my case. I belong to the majority, I guess and I really look forward for holidays aside from the usual Sunday. I do not want a very long holiday though....because, it makes me even fatter and it makes me sick staying at home, doing, literally nothing but fix my room and start/shutdown my PC. But a sanrenkyuu (3-day holiday) is fine enough.

So, here goes my plans for the 3-day weekend:
(1) Play badminton - Friday
(2) Study Kanji - for the rest of the holidays

Like the sweeping of the wind, the 3-day holiday is over and what went done is only my task in (1). Really, it is true - when you love doing a thing, there's no pushing yourself into doing it... but when, you don't love doing such at all... like me studying Kanji... it's like I really have to push myself really hard just to force myself to do it. And as usual, I was not able to do it.

It's not really that I do not love Nihongo. I love it. In fact, I love communicating using the language. BUT... I hate kanjis (chinese characters). Maybe because I hate strokes. Damnn.... I don't really know why.

I wish I could find a way to make learning kanji exciting and fun. There I go again.... wanting and wishing everything to be fun and exciting... like dancing hip hop or playing badminton or climbing a mountain. Oh! and these are even harder than learning kanji, other people say. But hey, I'm just not fond of strokes. And I planned not to push myself hard to love it. It's not my passion and I can't force myself to like it.

It's like loving. You can't push yourself to love someone. You can only learn to love somone you are interested with. And i'm not interested at learning kanjis. No matter how I try. Kanjis are like persons.... they can't force people to love them, they can only be some things which can be loved and the rest is up to me to realize their worth. And unfortunately, I refuse to realize the kanji's worth. The saddest thing for them-kanji characters! Lol...

I wonder if I will regret this in the end..... i mean, like the feeling of realizing someone's worth when he/she is gone. LOL again! (Louder this time...)

Seems like I really don't know what I'm writing...

But you get me, right?

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